Add the SDK
Code language: CSS (css)
Declare the SDK client and (optionally) the feature you want to use
private lateinit var flagsmith : Flagsmith
private lateinit var colorLabel: TextView
Code language: PHP (php)
Initiate the SDK client
// Initialize the Flagsmith client with the specified environment key
// The environment key is used to identify your Flagsmith environment
flagsmith = Flagsmith(environmentKey = "--your-environment-key--",
// Set the default flags
// These flags will be used if the Flagsmith service is unavailable
// Skip this if you're not using default flags. I highly recommend to use it to avoid problems if Flagsmith service is unavailable
defaultFlags = defaultFlags,
// Set the base URL for the Flagsmith API
// This is the URL of your Flagsmith instance
// Skip this if you're not using on premise Flagsmith installation
baseUrl = "--your-base-url--/api/v1/",
// Configure the cache settings for the Flagsmith client
// The cache is used to store the state of your feature flags to reduce the number of requests to the Flagsmith service
cacheConfig = FlagsmithCacheConfig(
// Enable the cache
enableCache = true,
// Set the time-to-live (TTL) for the cache in seconds
// The TTL is the maximum amount of time that an item is allowed to stay in the cache before it is automatically removed
cacheTTLSeconds = 3600L,
// Set the maximum size of the cache in bytes
cacheSize = 1024L * 1024L),
// Set the context for the Flagsmith client
// The context is used to provide additional information about the environment in which the Flagsmith client is running
context = context,
// Set the base URL for the Flagsmith event source
// The event source is used to receive real-time updates about changes to your feature flags
// Skip this if you're not using on premise Flagsmith installation
eventSourceBaseUrl = "--your-event-source-url--")
Code language: Kotlin (kotlin)
Retrieve the feature (in this example I’m retrieving text color)
// Define a private function named getColor that takes a userId as a parameter
private fun getColor(userId: String) {
// Call the getValueForFeature method on the flagsmith object
// This method retrieves the value of a feature flag for a specific user
flagsmith.getValueForFeature(identity = userId, featureId = "text-color"){ result ->
// Get the value of the feature flag from the result
// If the feature flag is not set, use a default value of "#F50057"
val color = result.getOrDefault(defaultValue = "#F50057").toString()
// Try to set the text color of the colorLabel UI element to the value of the feature flag
try {
// Parse the color string into an Android Color int
} catch (e: Exception) {
// If an exception occurs (for example, if the color string is not a valid color), log an error message
Log.e("Color", result.getOrDefault(defaultValue = "#F50057").toString())
// Set the text of the kolor UI element to the value of the feature flag
colorLabel.text = color
Code language: Kotlin (kotlin)
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